It’s the one of the few jobs that doesn’t get easier the more you do it. Because moving house is stressful, however many times you repeat it. If it’s the …
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How to avoid post-purchase doubts about your home
Regretting the purchase of a new house is such a common phenomenon that there’s even a phrase for it. “Buyer’s remorse” is that sinking feeling that comes with the realization …
How COVID is changing consumer behavior
When COVID first hit, it was hard to find a metaphor that adequately described what it was doing to industry and commerce across the globe. Was it more like watching …
How clean is COVID clean?
Confused about how to clean during and for COVID-19? Who isn’t? So much information, coming at us so quickly. This week, I tried to sort some of it out:. Here’s …
Common cures for household headaches
If you have a house, you have annoyances. That’s a fact of life around the world. Maybe it will help if you think of those little aggravations as the price …