Colour has always been thought to have had an effect on the human animal. Some argue that it’s instinctive; using the example that the colour of blood, red, signals danger. …
Self Care and Staying Well
How to avoid water damage in the home
With recent catastrophic rainfall causing massive damage to homes and civic infrastructure, it’s clear we need a better approach to rainwater management. At the same time, it is possible to …
How to have summer skin all year round
DATELINE: APRIL 2024 Hot girl, tomato girl, silver girl,climate-change, lazy girl-it was hard to decide just what kind of summer I’m going to have. Finally, I settled on botanical oils-girl …
Why growing old is neither a failure, nor a tragedy
LOTS of talk these days on SM about how aging is positioned. At the centre of it is an unspoken belief that looking young and being young is a superior …
Spring planting a new crop of home decor
Sometimes I smile at how buzzwords that, in an attempt to find new ways to say old things. get thrown around like confetti at a wedding. Consider the phrase “plant-based” …