Common cures for household headaches

If you have a house, you have annoyances. That’s a fact of life around the world. Maybe it will help if you think of those little aggravations as the price you pay for having a safe and comfortable place to live that’s all yours (well, yours and the bank’s, possibly). Remember, too, many little problems around the house have straightforward solutions that don’t require much time, effort, or expense. Here are a few:

Home may be where the heart is, but it’s also where there’s always a chore to handle. Photo by Kelly Lacy from Pexels

Hot take

A  broken heating system is terrible at any time of year. In the deep chill of winter, it can be downright dangerous. That doesn’t necessarily mean it involves a complicated repair or catastrophic expense.

Always look for the most obvious reason that the heat’s not working. Start with the little things. Did the thermostat accidentally get turned off? Is it a programmable thermostat set to the wrong hours? Is the thermostat itself broken, but the heating system fine? Is there a main switch that got bumped to the off position?

Regular maintenance also helps keep your heating system fit. If you are lucky enough to have radiators, for example, do make sure to “bleed” them annually. Otherwise, pockets of air can get trapped inside, causing water to circulate less efficiently. That means that it can take longer to heat the home, and that the radiator can have cold spots.

Bleeding a rad is fairly easy to do. Start by turning the heating system off. Remember, you’re dealing with either hot water or steam. Use a radiator key to turn the knob to the side. Place a bowl underneath to catch liquid that drains out. Simple and effective.

BONUS POINT: Well-functioning radiators save on energy costs.


Do some research into types of pest that can invade your home, paying particular attention to those common to your locale. Depending on the pest, there’s usually a range of options; such as spraying affected areas with vinegar or lemon juice to deter ants. Some pests can make for a tricky DIY removal job. I’ve had, for example, a harrowing experience with a wasp nest, and I’d consider using pros the next time.

Wildlife not welcome

Sure you think birds and bunnies are cute in the backyard. You just don’t want them as house guests. And you especially don’t want them living under your garage, or in your roof, chimney or attic.

Don’t take this job on yourself.  Wildlife removal is best done by a professional team that knows how to deal with critters safely and humanely.

Make war on mold

Mold is not only unsightly, it can be bad for your health, according to Centers for Disease Control, which suggests exposure to mold may cause symptoms like a stuffy nose, wheezing, and red or itchy eyes and skin; and that people with allergies to molds or asthma may have even more intense reactions.

If you find mold in your home, deal with it  as soon as soon as possible. Start by controlling levels of moisture, on which mold thrives. Regular cleaning helps too. That means scrubbing hard surfaces with detergent and water, and then making sure they dry completely. In some cases, a solution of chlorine bleach (no stronger than one cup of bleach in one gallon of water) will be necessary. NEVER EVER mix bleach with other products. If mold remains a problem, don’t hesitate to call in an expert.

What’s your favourite quick fix?  LMK below.


This is a collaborative post. It was not reviewed prior to publication.

Featured photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Vicky Sanderson

A self-confessed Opinion-ista, Vicky Sanderson has been writing and talking about décor, design and lifestyle issues for almost two decades, and has tested just about every home product known to humankind.

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