How a simple shape formed a world of objects

Brooklyn-based  Goux Studio New York’s stunning new Plus Collection evolved from an exploration of a simple, basic shape-the plus sign-into a range of elemental, refined, and straightforward objects that can adapt to a variety of interior spaces, especially small-footprint rooms, or those that have to multi-function.

The collection includes wall-mounted nightstands, mirrors, planters, shelves, and hooks—practical and versatile pieces that display an understated, timeless character. Forms are made from solid natural materials: aluminum, stainless steel, maple, white oak, and antique marble.

Lightweight yet strong aluminum hooks in this simple shape are available in bone, clay, graphite and oxblood. Made with precisely machined parts, each product is designed to be installed with basic tools and minimal fuss. The precision of the joinery mark this line as the result of superb craft and attention to detail. The raw aluminum finish will weather naturally over time.

The functional strength of the Plus design comes the connection to the wall-it’s a wedge design – the more weight you put on it, the stronger it gets.

“The process is inspired by classical architecture — refining geometry to create your own rules of composition. I wanted to come up with a universal element that can create a variety of objects. The simple shape is deceptively easy yet adaptable. I like its graphic form qualities.” – Steven Gertner, Founder.

Vicky Sanderson

A self-confessed Opinion-ista, Vicky Sanderson has been writing and talking about décor, design and lifestyle issues for almost two decades, and has tested just about every home product known to humankind.

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