Simple ways to reduce plastic use at home

A recent study from Columbia University indicates bottled water contains up to 100 times more nano plastic than previously estimated. At the same time, the effect these “forever chemicals” have on the environment is now the subject of lawsuits—including one in British Columbia, in which the province is suing manufacturers for the costs of removing these particles from drinking-water systems.  

It’s frustrating to realize how dependant we can be on potentially and factually unreliable manufacturers to protect us from environmental dangers like this.

Still, there are ways to reduce our own use of plastics, ensure residential water systems remain safe, and enjoy great-tasting water.

To me, there’s simply no more reason, for example, to use bottled water in the home. I am totally on the side for tap water and reusable water bottles. But I do like filtered water because I think it tastes better, especially in coffee and tea, and summery drinks like home-made lemonades.  

A slim line Brita Hub Compact water filter and dispenser on a counter with a fresh glass of water and sliced lemons beside it as an example of a simple way to reduce plastic use.
Reduce plastic waste and boost health
with a counter-top water filter.

For that, I like the Brita Hub Compact, a collaboration between the long-time maker of filtration systems and Hamilton Beach, known for dependable, affordable counter-top appliances. It can replace something like 900 bottles of a single filter.

The new tabletop water filter – available at Walmart – reduces or eliminates contaminants like benzine and carbon tetrachloride, an identified carcinogen. It also eliminates ingredients like chlorine, which really affects the taste of the water for me. 

It’s handsome too, and super slim – about 5 inches across, and it tucks nicely under a top cupboard. The spout accommodates a 12-ounce water bottle, so I can easily fill it on the way out the door. A light on the front of the machine comes on when it’s time to change the filter.

BONUS TIP: I have one in the kitchen, and another in the guest room, so that folks can get a drink whenever they want, including the middle of the night, and they don’t have to find their way to the kitchen in their pajamas.  

FULL DISCLOSURE: This not a sponsored post, but I did do a paid media campaign for the Brita Hub Compact earlier this year. I signed on for it because I REALLY like the product. BONUS BONUS TIP: One of the tester units I received ended up in my office, where it helps me to stay hydrated. Love this for me, and for you too.

Vicky Sanderson

A self-confessed Opinion-ista, Vicky Sanderson has been writing and talking about décor, design and lifestyle issues for almost two decades, and has tested just about every home product known to humankind.

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